Board of Directors

Professor Vallop Laopaiboon, M.D.
- Vice President
Type of Director
- Non-Management Director
- Authorized Director
Date of Appointment Vise President
On February 20, 2021
Date of Appointment Board of Director
On April 16, 1993 (tenure 30 Years)
69 Years
Shareholdings (Including Spouse and Child)
(As of December 30, 2024)
Mr.Vallop Laopaiboon
Spouse and Laopaiboon Group
Total 63,799,955 shares, Amount of Shares: 11.68%
Board of Director Skill
Management Organization, Medical, Leader, Governance, Strategy/Business Planning.
Education and Certificate
- Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University
- Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University
- Diploma in Diagnostic Radiography, Chulalongkorn University
- Diploma Subspecialty of Body Interventional Radiology, The Royal Collage of Radiologist of Thailand (RCRT)
- Diploma in Angiography and Interventional Radiology Singapore General Hospital
- Faculty of Business, Dhurakij Pundit University
- Master of Science Program in Health development (Thai CERTC Consortium) Chulalongkorn University
- Certificate of Director Accreditation Program (DAP) No.133/201 Thai Institute of Directors (IOD)
Work Experience
Current Positions in Other Entities
A: Listed Companies in Thailand Listed Companies in SET
- Vice President At Ratchaphruek Hospital Public Company Limited
- Borad Director, At Ratchaphruek Hospital Public Company Limited
B : Other Organizations
- Director At Khen Pa Nga Company Limited
- Radiologist At Khon Kaen Lab
- Consultant Radiologist At Srinagarind Hospital
Past Position
- Professor, Head of the Department of Radiotherapy, At Srinagarind Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University
Other Organizations that may Compete with or have any Conflict of Interest against the Company
Position in government affairs
Family Relationship with Other Directors, Executives or Major Shareholders of the Company or Subsidiaries
- Holding a position as a director in a subsidiary company
- Holds 0.001% of shares in subsidiaries
History of illegal offenses in the past 5 years
Qualifications according to Laws and No Prohibited Qualifications according to the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board
Having Qualified and never be punished by committing an offence against Securities law and Derivative law.
History of transactions that may cause conflicts with the company in the last year