Mrs.Tina Singsacha

Mrs.Tina Singsacha

  • Independent Director
  • Member of Risk Management Committee
Type of Director
  • Non-Management Director
Date of Appointment Member of Board of Director
On April 22, 2024

52 Years

Shareholdings (Including Spouse and Child)


Board of Director Skill
Financial, Investment, Fund

Education and Certificate
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA), Major Marketing and Finance SASIN GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION
  • Bachelor of Commerce, Majors: Accounting and Finance UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES Sydney, Australia
  • Director Certification Program (DCP), Thai Institute of Directors (IOD)
  • Director Certification Diploma (DCP), Thai Institute of Directors (IOD)
Work Experience
Current Positions in Other Entities
A: Listed Companies in Thailand In SET


B : Organization/ Agency/ Other Business (Non-Listed Companies)
2019 - Present
  • Senior Advisor, TPG Inc.
2018 - Present
  • Senior Advisor to Founder and CEO, Twin Pine Group

Past Position
2019 - 2020
  • Senior Advisor to President of Cement-Building Material, Siam Cement Group (SCG)
  • Advisor to President & CEO, Institute of Director (IOD)
2017 - 2018
  • Senior Advisor to President & CEO, Standard Chartered Bank, Myanmar Representative Office Yangon, Myanmar
2013 - 2017
  • Chief Representative/Country Head, Standard Chartered Bank, Myanmar Representative Office Yangon, Myanmar

Other Organizations that may Compete with or have any Conflict of Interest against the Company


Position in Government Affairs


Family Relationship with Other Directors, Executives or Major Shareholders of the Company or Subsidiaries


History of illegal offenses in the past 5 years


Qualifications according to Laws and No Prohibited Qualifications according to the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board

Having Qualified and never be punished by committing an offence against Securities law and Derivative law.

History of transactions that may cause conflicts with the company in the last year
